Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm Back...Again...Sort of...

It's been a long time, I know.  I'm a terrible "blogger."  I have to admit that I almost decided to totally give it up.  I know that no one reads this and I probably wouldn't have protests outside my house if I quit the blog, but I decided it's a good family scrapbook for me.  I started looking through old posts to see if they are worthwhile (which they really aren't), except to me.  I like looking back on the kids parties and weird pictures and even reading about my ridiculous days at home with my babies.  So, to my friends out there that accidentally clicked on this blog or my family who feels obligated to read're welcome.  I'm staying.

SAHL signing off...again...and not for the last time...yet...again.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pinkalicious Party!

Here are some photos from Aeven's Pinkalicious party.  They are way overdue, since her birthday was in September.  I felt like you just had to see all of this pinkaliciousness though!

We combined two of her Pinkalicious books for the party.  We took ideas from the original Pinkalicious and Pinkalicious and the Pink Drink.

The puffy pinky centerpiece.

Is it Pinkalicious enough?

Pink donuts!  Every morning birthday party needs them.

Pinky cake pops.  

The pink lemondade stand to hand out party favors.  

The party crew.

Aevie loved this part.  

The kids blow bubbles in the Pink Drink book, so we did too!

My little Pinkerbelle!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm Baaack....Kind of!

Well, it has been a long break my dear friends, I mean one friend who reads this!  I have been feeling sick and lazy due to a new development.  By new development I mean the baby who is draining all of my energy and making me feel sick all the time.  Oh the maternal instinct in my just sings, doesn't it? 

Ya know, I really  love babies.  I love holding them and taking care of them and loving them.  The only problem is the whole being pregnant with them thing.  I don't think I'm very good at this part of the plan.  You would think I would have figured that out before now, but I thought that was all practice and this time I would get an A+ in pregnancy.  Not so my friends!  I'm getting an F this time around.  I'm sick and whiny and ridiculous.  My house is a mess, the animals are running the zoo, and my grooming habits leave something to be desired.  You want to come over for a visit, don't you?  I know you do, you old you. 

Well, anyway, I'm going to try to update the blog situation more frequently.  I have to get on with things.  If that means sitting in front of the computer doing nothing worthwhile, but updating this be it!   

Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's Over

We started school this week.  I am mourning the quick passing of summer.  I love summer.  It's so summery.  I thought I would be ready and excited for this school year, but I'm not.  I feel just like I did at the end of summer when I was a kid.  It's like grieving the loss of being carefree.  That's right, I said grieving the loss.  That is how hard I take summer coming to an end.  I had to share my sadness.  I know I will move on and get excited about new seasons and new experiences this year, but right now, this week, I'm sad.  I miss summer already.  Goodbye frolicking at the park.  Hello work and staring out the window wishing I could sit outside for hours for no reason.  Goodbye swimming pool.  Hello hoodies.  Goodbye picnics.  Hello boring old brown kitchen table.  I think you get the point.

SAHL signing off.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Awww...Look at That

Is this the sweetest thing  you've ever seen, or what?  I dare you to show me something sweeter.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's Been Too Long!

I've missed you.  You old you.  You, the one person who reads this.  When I say you, I mean me.  I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who reads this, but I'm going to update myself anyway.  Here are some pictures from the Big L's Robin Hood birthday party.  I know, I know, it was almost a month ago now.  Better late than never?

This is the castle entry.  Biz wanted the "party room" to look like the castle.

I hope you can tell what these cookies are supposed to look like!

Here's the birthday boy with his arrow cookie in his bow.

The party kids!  Aren't they cute with their Robin and Maid Marion hats?  Did you notice that Aevie had to be a Robin Hood?  Of course, because Bizee was.

My beautifully talented sister, Amber made this Pin the Tail on Prince John poster.  Isn't it so awesome?

She was so close!

The bow and arrow contest.  She looks like a natural.

Here are their bags of "gold."  When I say gold I mean candy.  The kids had to find these little bags on the grown ups or the "rich" and try to steal them.  I didn't get any pictures because I was running away from greedy hands!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

3 Reasons I love Staying at Home

1. If all my shorts are dirty I can just cut off a pair of sweatpants to wear for the day. This is totally acceptable in my line of work.

2. My lunch hour can be anytime from 11 am to 3 pm. Or, on a good day lunch can actually last from 11 am to 3 pm. When I say lunch, I don't mean a break. I mean, actually eating.

3. Number 3 really should be dedicated to the fact that staying at home allows me to be with my children all day. Although this is wonderful and the real reason I stay at home, I want to dedicate number 3 to something else. The third reason I love staying home is...wait for it...I only have to wash my hair every 7 to 9 days! Isn't that beautiful? Doesn't it almost bring a tear to your eye? I know, be jealous, be very jealous.